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I’m here to share the deepest secret of my life. This world does not deserve a woman like my mother, who is beautiful and innocent. This world has given her only pain and sorrow.


My grandmother told me, when my mother was born she is charming and really beautiful and her gracious smile attracted everyone. Both my grandparents are very much happy to have her. When she was three-year-old, it was found that she is mentally ill. My grandparents have shattered out. They were so deeply hurt and cried their heart out but they never abandoned her and they have started looking after her even more carefully. All the other kids didn’t allow her to play with them. She was not allowed to join any school. Everyone teased her by calling her mental, psych, etc.

Everyone has their way to hurt her. She was never out of the house, she used to stay around my grandparents. She doesn’t know anyone else. years passed like that.

Gradually my grandfather's health got worse and he is admitted to the hospital. One day my grandmother left my mother at home and went to the hospital to look after my grandfather.

It was the most threatening day of her life. She was never left alone, my grandmother stayed with her all the time. After some time she came out from the house searching for my grandparents. She has lost her way and doesn’t know where she is going, and it has turned to night. She has become very scared and started crying for my grandparents.

Suddenly a man started following her. She saw him and started shouting. He then began chasing her and hit her with a wooden log.

That night is darker than any other day of her life. Due to her mental conditions, she is not even aware of what is happening to her, my innocent mother is not aware of the cruel sins committed by this world. She doesn’t know that she could be raped.

She screamed out so loud but no one could help her. Her whole body went numb, she couldn’t move. She is in tears, crying out loud. She doesn’t even know what is she feeling.

After three days, the police found her out and she is admitted to the hospital. The doctor has declared that she is raped.

Both my grandparents felt heartbreak they have become hopeless. They questioned God for giving such a miserable life to her daughter. They just don’t know how to deal with the grief. How to tell their daughter, what has happened to her.

Every news channel and media are flooded is with this news. Few are expressing their support and few are bullying us.

There is no one to support them. The police department has given some moral support but it couldn’t help them in any way.

On that day in the hospital, my grandmother brought us some food, first, she fed my mother then my grandfather, and then herself within ten minutes three of them collapsed and lost their lives.I have never entered this brutal world. Due to that day and that incident those innocent people have lost their lives.

In this world, men can abuse strong women, girl children, a housewife, educated women, uneducated women, physically unfit women, and even mentally unfit women.

There are cases where family members abusing kids in the family, a school teacher molesting, a doctor misbehaving with his patients, and the list carries on. The world has become very toxic and threatening and instead of addressing the shit that's happening, everyone is chasing after something or the other (I mean the so-called future... which will ever exist or not).

 Many stories go untold… few even doesn't get the chance to understand what has happened to them…. Few are not even aware of what they are going through…few are silent and bending down to their circumstances…  

My mom is the best mom ever to me and this is not out of pity for her. Even though my grandparents and mom took their own lives, they have faced a huge struggle with this cruel world. she fought with the world of monsters and dealt with all kinds of social abuse but still she is the super mom. Every woman is a wonder woman and must be respected by everyone in this world.


  1. Every mother should taught her son how to treat a woman. And for her daughter she has to taught how to fight with men.


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