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 It is Saturday morning, as usual, my alarm beeps at 8:00 am to wake me up for the day. I smile and think, "Bro, it's the weekend, so calm down and sleep." After some time, I wake up and arrange the bed. Later, I go down to check the breakfast, but since I live in a PG, the food is either tasteless or not enough. I go to the store and buy some milk, boil it, and have some cereals along with it. I feel full and satisfied after my first meal, which I usually skip during the weekdays just to have some more extra time to sleep. Finding my laundry bag looking sadly at me for all the clothes it is handling, I decide to wash them. For many days, I have wanted to make a craft to keep at my desk, so I decide to finish it, and it comes out pretty good. I cook myself some egg rice for lunch and make my tummy full and happy. I open Instagram, and it's the weekend—everybody there, everybody here, and who cares. I feel people are living life, everyone is traveling, exploring, movin
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 A Hello and a warm hug to all the 20s out there, who are juggling to be a kid again and to be the perfect adult. Welcoming us to adulthood, with fingers crossed. We are stuck between all the question marks, exclamation points, commas, and periods. Our thoughts always start with "What if...," "What if not...," "Why...," "What...," and mostly end with... "na...naa, there's no end, by the way." We feel it's complicated with the phrases love, relationship, move on, break up, passion, heart, romance, guilt, fairy tale, companionship, compromise, expectations, responsibilities. Ough!! So much to handle. Isn't our generation a little bit confused about the above dramas?   Like guys! what are we trying to find? What does it mean to us?  Are we not satisfied with what we have and the way we have them?  Are we starving for a "Perfect Love," "perfect End," "perfect Story"?  Did we already lose our best mo


  The summer this year is outrageous but the summer vacation we got is very minimal and I felt like my holidays completed so quick. I started my way back to Hyderabad again.  I reached Hyderabad and took the bus to go to the place I live. It nearly takes two hours to reach my college hostel from the railway station. AS it is early in the morning, buses are not crowded much, and I found a place to sit. The morning city looks so peaceful, and it looks so beautiful with sunlight added. After some time, the bus started rushing with all the 9’o’ clock employes and students. The bus halted at a bus stop and an old man got into the bus. I don’t feel tired and not have much luggage carrying, I offered my seat to him. At first, he refused but later agreed to take. After some time, the person beside him got down the bus and then that Oldman moved to that seat and asked me to take mine. I sat and kept my pods back and listening to my Spotify playlist. That Oldman is carrying a newspaper rolled up


                  The world has changed. Many women are able to study, pursue higher education, find jobs, and many more, but their families or their society still control them. I do not understand these things called… allowing her, giving her, sending her…. Who are you and I to let her do…. That is her damn life and she should allow herself …. She should be able to make her own decisions do things she loves do what she wants to do .... she should live her life the way she wants it to be and not according to how you set it up!                                                                               Here, girls are mentally prepared from childhood to obey others, to always live life according to someone else's rules. She is taught to always put herself in second place, leaving first place to society or family. She is molded to accept that is the life she should live. In her home, she should not compare herself to her brothers or any other male. She should not raise


  I’m here to share the deepest secret of my life. This world does not deserve a woman like my mother, who is beautiful and innocent. This world has given her only pain and sorrow.   My grandmother told me, when my mother was born she is charming and really beautiful and her gracious smile attracted everyone. Both my grandparents are very much happy to have her. When she was three-year-old, it was found that she is mentally ill. My grandparents have shattered out. They were so deeply hurt and cried their heart out but they never abandoned her and they have started looking after her even more carefully. All the other kids didn’t allow her to play with them. She was not allowed to join any school. Everyone teased her by calling her mental, psych, etc. Everyone has their way to hurt her. She was never out of the house, she used to stay around my grandparents. She doesn’t know anyone else. years passed like that. Gradually my grandfather's health got worse and he is admitted to


There is a king called Vaibhava, who is so fond of nature, trees, and flowers. He planted a plethora of plants and trees all over his kingdom. Near his fort, he has a beautiful garden. The garden has all kinds of plants from all over the world. The plants in the garden are so many that it is hard to count. The fragrance from the garden spreads the entire fort. The king has appointed a few men to maintain the garden. It is famous all over the kingdom and neighborhood kingdoms as well. One day a worker planted a new plant sapling. All the old plants stared at him and later introduced themselves. After a few days, the new plant started blooming flowers. The flowers are so bright, just like " the Sindhur on Kali matha's forehead". The flowers look pleasant. Everyone is amazed looking at them. The king felt delighted. All the other plants felt envious. The new plant is happily blooming, playing with butterflies, insects, etc. After a few days, a few plants gathered near